Kunden & Projekte
Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Martin Haar"Sie will Menschen zum eigenen Denken anregen. Mit der Tauglichkeit ausstatten, wie Aristoteles sagen würde, den Sturm des Lebens zu meistern."
"Wer diese Gedankenwerkstatt einmal besucht hat, erlebt das: Das ungebremste Denken, das ein Leben bereichern kann. Mit geistiger Nahrung." --> Klicken Sie auf die jeweilige Seitenvorschau, um den Artikel zu lesen. |
new worker magazine, Interview with Beth Jusino
"Marga Biebeler proves that the jokes about unemployable philosophy majors aren’t fair. Smart, educated, and very much in touch with the modern world, Marga tried a traditional career as a company employee in the private economy for five years. She then chose to take the plunge into self-employment four years ago, embracing her love for humanism and reflection. Ever since, she’s made her own career as a professional twenty-first century philosopher. Part personal coach, part project manager, and part facilitator, her work is a great example of an emerging trend toward the independent, flexible career path."
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